And of course he had to run about and give it a testing. I chose not to put and S on it so that if in the future he'd like to pretend it's something else he can. and at this point the sheer fact that it's red seems to be enough for him. :)
Then once daddy came home we had dinner and birthday brownies! Gabriel loves being sang to, I think it's possibly his favorite part. He gets so excited, it's darling :)
And then he got to wish and blow, it took a few tries but he got it eventually.
Another favorite is licking the candles...
All this time Gwen had been favorably eying the brownies in hopes of a taste of the sugary confection.
Which she did get to have...
Then the gift opening commenced.
All in all it was a pleasant birthday. short and sweet.
However if you happened to notice, this post is labeled part 1. The reason is that his friend Ellie had her birthday today and we are all getting together on Sat for a joint celebration. So, stay tuned...